The APA-Rotating rake (APA-DRE) is employed in combined sewage systems, for example, in storm overflow basins (flow-through basins), relief thresholds, clarification overflow basins, and storm overflows.
The Perfect Innovation in Sieve and Screen Technology
The APA-Rotating rake (APA-DRE) is utilized in combined sewage systems, for instance, in storm overflow basins (flow-through basins).
In combined sewage systems, provisions are made for rain relief structures such as storm overflows, storm overflow basins, and storm retention basins. During rainy weather, these facilities experience the overflow of combined water (contaminated and rainwater) into water bodies.
The pollutants in the combined water are intended to remain in the sewer network and be directed to the wastewater treatment plant for purification, significantly reducing water body pollution.
Various facilities and devices for retaining pollutants already exist. However, retrofitting poses significant challenges, such as nonexistent or undersized installation openings, lack of space in the inlet or outlet, and high energy consumption.
The new development "APA-Rotating rake" is based on several small system elements that can be placed through small openings in the structure and then assembled into the rotary screen facility.
Compelling Advantages
- Reduction of water body pollution
- Coarse material retention
- Small installation openings
- Compact design
- Suitable for easy retrofitting
- Low maintenance
- Simple installation
- Low construction and energy costs